Welcome to Dresses Made With Love!

We are working with the Walk Centre a UK registered charity (UK registered charity number 1129576) which provides grants to The Walk Children’s Church in Nakuru, Kenya which helps slum-dwelling children and their families by providing education, healthcare and food aid. As well as helping with the charity's many projects we aim to provide girls with handmade dresses, made from pillowcases and boys with handmade shorts, 
made from adult t-shirts.   

The difference with these dresses and shorts is that every one is made with love.


Future Workshops

Saturday 8th July 2017 11am - 2pm 
Saturday 5th August 2017 11am - 1pm
Saturday 9th September 2017 11am - 2pm
Saturday 7th October 2017 11am - 2pm
Saturday 4th November 2017 11am - 2pm
Saturday 6th January 2018 11am - 2pm
Saturday 3rd February 2018  11am - 2pm
Saturday 3rd March 2018 11am - 2pm
All being held at St. Mary's Church, Glory Mill Lane, Wooburn Green, Bucks.  HP10 0LU

HELP!!  We need Hats &
Fingerless Gloves!

From the visit in February 2014, we discovered that the children are very cold at night and have nothing to keep them warm so we would like to send out hats and fingerless gloves to the children.  These can be either knitted, croched or sewn from fleece!!


Do you anyone who can knit or crochet?  if so, then please get them to come along to our workshops.


Please check out our facebook page at www.facebook.com/dressesmadewithlove

Why not look at our blog at  www.dressesmadewithlove.wordpress.com



Dresses Made With Love

Text: 0781 8887657


Want a reminder of the next workshop? Just enter your email address below


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